Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aion Rift System

Aion Rift is the port between Elyos and Asmodians, the Rift randomly appears in the maps(>Level 20). Through the Aion Rift, Elyos or Asmodians can enter in the land of oppoisite faction, its the only way to pvp except Abyss, of course you can only use it to collect materials, do quests or go to common instances.

Some rules about the Aion Rift:

- 1. Appear randomly, but in a certain area
- 2. The number of Rifts that appear in the same time is 2~6
- 3. Time Limit, Number of Players Limit and Level Limit
- 4. The Rift has entrance and exit, but its a unidirectional path
- 5. There is a system announcement for all players in the map when a Rift appears
- 6. There are 14 Rift Points in a map, 7 for aggression (changeless) and 7 for defence (kinda variable)

Elyos Faction Rift Points Distribution:

Rift Entrance - Eltnen (Lv20~40)

Rift Exit - Morheim (Lv20~40)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 12 Rift Exit - Beluslan (Lv30~50)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 24 Asmodians Faction Rift Points Distribution:

Rift Entrance - Morheim (Lv20~40)

Rift Exit - Eltnen (Lv20~40)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 12
Rift Exit - Interdiktah (Lv30~50)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 24 here.

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