Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Version of the Aion Bot

Set you whole PC to chinese: Location, Number Format, Non Unicode Stuff. Unzip the Bot into a folder without special characters. If your Aion is not in a folder without special Characters make a copy of the whole folder and put it somewhere without special characters.

Start AionJn.exe, use the integrated Browser to point the path to your Aion folder without special characters.
Select your region and simply press start(bottom right). The other fields are not enabled since this beta is free and no password is needed.

Aion will start, login, select your character and a short while after the bot Window with your character Name in it will popup.

Congratulations you are ready to bot !

Now you just have to setup the bot, the translation is here:
Made by me, Castielle / Kane49. (Not 100% Accurate but most stuff is right)

Hope this helps and have fun botting, routes and stuff work really good now.

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