Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aion Open Beta Registration Guide

Aion Open Beta Registration Guide Here! Now you can Step by STep to registering on AION Korea. Have fun, If the torrent link doesn't work use the link in the websit n_n!

Scource here.
And thanks to Codie For the Aion Open Beta Registration Guide BTW ^_^.


Step by STep to registering on AION Korea!

Here is first part. The registration.
EDIT: Registration wil be usefull MID NOVEMBER when the Korean client goes into Open Beta

EDIT: Registration will only work in internet explorer for some reason!

Ill try to translate the ingame interface once i successfully DL and install it.
Thumnails are in step by step order Picture Guide to help you register on Korean Site! This was a rush job, I did my best, especially as im not Korean myself!

Aion beta Forum

Ok now, AION Beta forums are now opened and you need to register. But when I enter my AION game account and it says "Invalid game account". Many players may face some problems when enter AION.

Aion is a visually stunning massively multiplayer online RPG where you ascend to divinity and fight in an epic celestial war. NCSOFT opened their official forums for the Aion beta!

Check it out:

Aion Classes Skill from level 1 to 50

All Classes Skill Cost in Aion from level 1 to 50

1. 剑星-Gladiator

Level Skill Cost
【3级】 112
【5级】 344
【7级】 461
【10级】 5534
【13级】 6923
【16级】 11078
【19级】 10503
【22级】 50788
【25级】 76354
【28级】 96961
【31级】 108507
【34级】 423405
【37级】 517719
【40级】 1293426
【41级】 212974
【42级】 173151
【43级】 189311
【44级】 184694
【45级】 714688
【46级】 745700
【47级】 409790
【48级】 217015
【49级】 233753
【50级】 1516793
【1~50】 7,201,368 =Total

2. 守护星-Templar

Level Skill Cost
【3级】 112
【5级】 344
【7级】 461
【9级】 1384
【10级】 4842
【13级】 7384
【16级】 11942
【19级】 7484
【22级】 46860
【25级】 54827
【28级】 88880
【31级】 114277
【34级】 353224
【37级】 346300
【40级】 1000228
【41级】 139559
【42级】 158144
【43级】 171996
【44级】 184694
【45级】 837472
【46级】 512525
【47级】 487707
【48级】 197392
【49级】 207781
【50级】 1174534
【1~50级】 6,110,353=Total

3. 弓星 =Ranger
Level Skill Cost
【3级】 112
【5级】 344
【7级】 461
【9级】 1384
【10级】 5534
【13级】 6923
【16级】 11078
【19级】 10503
【22级】 50788
【25级】 76354
【28级】 96961
【31级】 108507
【34级】 423405
【37级】 517719
【40级】 1293426
【41级】 212974
【42级】 173151
【43级】 189311
【44级】 184694
【45级】 714688
【46级】 745700
【47级】 409790
【48级】 217015
【49级】 233753
【50级】 1516793
【1~50级】 7,201,368=Total

4. 杀星=Assassin
Level Skill Cost
【3级】 57
【5级】 570
【7级】 400
【9级】 1143
【10级】 4747
【13级】 5948
【16级】 9778
【19级】 4975
【22级】 40040
【25级】 68640
【28级】 82368
【31级】 64064
【34级】 358644
【37级】 461032
【40级】 1021020
【41级】 49764
【42级】 129272
【43级】 140712
【44级】 228228
【45级】 466752
【46级】 631488
【47级】 480480
【48级】 322608
【49级】 255684
【50级】 1063920
【1~50级】 5,892,334=Total

5. 魔道星-Sorcerer
Level Skill Cost
【3级】 114
【5级】 574
【7级】 1152
【9级】 1096
【10级】 4897
【13级】 9232
【16级】 11308
【19级】 13617
【22级】 51942
【25级】 69260
【28级】 124668
【31级】 210088
【34级】 422488
【37级】 651042
【40级】 1042362
【41级】 425950
【42级】 394784
【43级】 429414
【44级】 464044
【45级】 358421
【46级】 1045829
【47级】 243565
【48级】 494056
【49级】 779178
【50级】 813806
【1~50级】 8,062,887=Total

6. 精灵星=Spiritmaster
Level Skill Cost
【3级】 116
【5级】 584
【7级】 1174
【9级】 1116
【10级】 6164
【13级】 8106
【16级】 18795
【19级】 11514
【22级】 49350
【25级】 98112
【28级】 141000
【31级】 163912
【34级】 345454
【37级】 628635
【40级】 1101574
【42级】 229128
【43级】 375418
【44级】 269079
【45级】 554608
【46级】 606308
【47级】 283179
【48级】 287879
【49级】 754950
【50级】 1540448
【1~50级】 7,476,603=Total

7. 治愈星=Cleric
Level Skill Cost
【3级】 114
【5级】 486
【7级】 528
【9级】 1878
【10级】 7927
【13级】 1996
【16级】 9866
【19级】 12687
【22级】 68150
【25级】 69912
【28级】 70500
【31级】 108100
【34级】 472350
【37级】 556956
【40级】 1085128
【41级】 220315
【42级】 169202
【43级】 184478
【44级】 595734
【45级】 715585
【46级】 532282
【47级】 207978
【48级】 211503
【49级】 781385
【50级】 692083
【1~50级】 6,777,123 =Total

8. 护法星=Chanter
Level Skill Cost
【3级】技能 114
【5级】技能 468
【7级】技能 528
【9级】技能 1878
【10级】技能 6280
【13级】技能 7050
【16级】技能 8223
【19级】技能 15507
【22级】技能 59925
【25级】技能 89299
【28级】技能 63450
【31级】技能 224425
【34级】技能 366604
【37级】技能 797832
【40级】技能 593382
【41级】技能 207390
【42级】技能 206803
【43级】技能 676809
【44级】技能 198578
【45级】技能 323717
【46级】技能 1339520
【47级】技能 256154
【48级】技能 259679
【49级】技能 1090416
【50级】技能 797835
【1~50级】 7,591,866 =total

Gladiator level1to 50= 7,201,368
Templar 6,110,353
Ranger 7,201,368
Assassin 5,892,334
Sorcerer 8,062,887
Spiritmaster 7,476,603
Cleric 6,777,123
Chanter 7,591,866

Aion Wings and flying

Aion Wings and flying

Due to Aion's unique system the skies have opened up like never before!

The quest for becoming a Daeva (taken at level 9) earns you your wings at level 10. When you first obtain this ability you will only be able to use flight for a one minute period with the "cooldown" being twice that. However as your character progresses there will be items/abilities/situations that will result in higher flight times.

Elyos and Asmodians both get wings however these will be uniquely styled based on the race.
You can fly freely or follow a flight path (Which appears to be the same concept used in WoW, albeit far more stylish), depending on the area. Using a flight path to get to an area will not exhaust your flight bar as you are using some form of "spiritual bird" rather than your own wings. It is assumed this will be a far faster means of travel that standard flight as well.
Wings can be personalized or upgraded through PvP. Specifics are yet to be announced.
Some skills act differently or are available only when you are flying. That makes the flight system more of a strategic element than a transportation mechanic.

Aion Wing stats

Note: I have not confirmed this information.

Please note these stats come with the wings and are the same for both Elyos and Asmodian.

Level 10 – One minute of flight(60 seconds).
Level 30 – +30 Seconds of flight time(90 seconds total).
Level 30CE – +40 Seconds of flight time(100 seconds total).
Level 40 – +60 Seconds of flight time(120 seconds total).
Level 50 – +35Seconds +120HP(95 seconds total). – This tickles me as a PVP thing honestly, since flight time is much less limited in the Abyss due to the aether rings and HP is key for mitigation.

How to earn wings in AION?

The chance to earn your wings and become a Daeva comes relatively early in the life of every true Asmodian, though the path itself can be hard and somewhat mystifying. As you reach level 9 you discover that you must find the Asmodian known as Munin, who has been detained deep within the Ishalgen Prison Camp.
Trapped within a crystallized prison cell, Munin is your key to Ascension. This Daeva can discern the future, even trapped in his cell. This expert fortuneteller will be able to tell your future and how you will ascend to be a mighty Asmodian, but first he needs items that can help piece together your past.

NCsoft Europe presents details of what Asmodians must do in order to be able to fly in the epic and beautiful Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) RPG, Aion: The Tower of Eternity. The chance to earn your wings and become a Daeva comes relatively early in the life of every true Asmodian, though the path itself can be hard and somewhat mystifying. As you reach level 9 you discover that you must find the Asmodian known as Munin, who has been detained deep within the Ishalgen Prison Camp.
Trapped within a crystallized prison cell, Munin is your key to Ascension. This Daeva can discern the future, even trapped in his cell. This expert fortuneteller will be able to tell your future and how you will ascend to be a mighty Asmodian, but first he needs items that can help piece together your past. He will need these items, the cards of fate, from three different disciples in order to proceed.
The first appears as an old tailor by the name of Urd, who resides in Aldelle Village, which you should already be familiar with as it was one of the first places you would have passed through as a young Asmodian. Urd give you a card that represents your past—“I see two twisted creepers”—and sends you to the next disciple, the Old Lady Fortuneteller.

She lives out in the Munihele Forest, located roughly halfway between Aldelle Basin and the Prison Camp. You can find her near a small log cabin, well off the beaten path, where she goes by the name of Verdandi. The hermit will read your palm and gives you a card of fate detailing your present state, though you are warned you will not understand what it means (though Munin will).

Verdandi then directs you to your next and last stop, this time to have your future read by a young woman named Skuld. She resides on the cliffs above the sea just south of Anturoon Crossing. Be careful, this will be one of the most perilous journeys—the cliffs are swarming with Eyvindir pirates, who don’t take to people invading their private space lightly. Also beware of the Fang Karnifs, aggressive cat-like beasts that like to pick off stragglers or unsuspecting Asmodians.

Skuld will read your future and imprint it on yet another card. Now you must deliver all three cards back to Munin, which should be an easy run on the path all way north, back to the Ishalgen Prison Camp. Munin is pleased you’ve gathered the cards from his disciples, and his motives in helping you aren’t entirely clear, but evidently he intends to change the future he sees, and the only way to do so is through you—but first he must reveal your own future.

As he reads the cards, he begins to weave patterns in the Aether, and suddenly you are transported to an outer-worldly realm, wearing a full set of Asmodian armor; the sky is a mix of dark, blood-like colors, and scattered about are several giant, swirling vortices--Portals. This is the Abyss, the nether region nestled between the two shattered halves of Atreia, and you’re standing on one of the many small, floating rocky islands that dot the Abyss. You see a line of wounded Asmodian soldiers before you, but the apparent leader—Archon Legionary Hagen—beckons you forward.

The Asmodians are in a desperate struggle to attain the floating island of Narsass, but the Elyos Legatus known as Hellion is successfully standing in their way. You must fly to Narsass and defeat Hellion personally—that is your destiny. Immediately you spread your wings and spring off the island, passing groups of Asmodians and Elyos engaged in aerial combat, before you reach the foreboding Narsass.

After defeating several Elyos soldiers, you come up against Hellion himself, and the battle does not go well. You are soundly defeated after a blinding assault. Suddenly, you seem to recover, but you’re back in your old armor again, and the form of Munin appears nearby. “The future is not fixed,” he says, and he reveals that trying to change the future is why he was imprisoned in the first place. You agree to mutually help each other—Munin claims he will need help in the future, and in return he will help save your life down the line—but first you must become a Daeva and pick a class.

Once your specialized class has been chosen, you then teleport to Pandaemonium, the Asmodian capital, where you will need to talk to friendly Heimdall of the City Guard (he’s not hard to find). The formal Ascension ceremony takes place in the Great Temple of Pandaemonium and is overseen by the high priest, Balder. There is a great ceremony—some of the Asmodians will mock you, others will be more encouraging—where the elders recognize you as a Daeva, newly Ascended, ready to prove that the Asmodians hold the true power in Atreia. The ceremony ends with the granting of your new wings, which you can now use to fly and customize as you wish.

Now this is truly the time to take a hold of your destiny.

Where to get your aion wings?

Note: I have not confirmed the cost on the level 30 or 40 wings for the NA version of Aion. The image linked is from the NA beta.

Your first set of aion wings come at level 9 through a campaign quest called: Ascension.

Your level 30 aion wings are typically purchased from a vendor for roughly 775k kinah(game currency). The vendor can be found in Sanctum for the Elyos and Pandaemonium for the Asmodians.

If you have bought the CE of Aion you get a better set of level 30 wings for free! It has not been stated whether you will get the aion wings for every character you’ve created or not. It has also not been stated where you get the CE wings from, be it mail or they come on your character in your cube.

The level 40 aion wings are purchased from the SAME vendor as the level 30 ones for about 9.6M kinah.

The level 50 aion wings are a quest reward, see the following:
Asmodian quest at level 50: Secret of the Pollution: grants access to dungeon in Brusthonin: Ardma fort. Also rewards level 50 wings.

Elyos quest at level 50: Secret Experiment of Theobomos: grants access to dungeon in Theobomos: Secret Laboratory. Also rewards level 50 wings.

Aion Rift System

Aion Rift is the port between Elyos and Asmodians, the Rift randomly appears in the maps(>Level 20). Through the Aion Rift, Elyos or Asmodians can enter in the land of oppoisite faction, its the only way to pvp except Abyss, of course you can only use it to collect materials, do quests or go to common instances.

Some rules about the Aion Rift:

- 1. Appear randomly, but in a certain area
- 2. The number of Rifts that appear in the same time is 2~6
- 3. Time Limit, Number of Players Limit and Level Limit
- 4. The Rift has entrance and exit, but its a unidirectional path
- 5. There is a system announcement for all players in the map when a Rift appears
- 6. There are 14 Rift Points in a map, 7 for aggression (changeless) and 7 for defence (kinda variable)

Elyos Faction Rift Points Distribution:

Rift Entrance - Eltnen (Lv20~40)

Rift Exit - Morheim (Lv20~40)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 12 Rift Exit - Beluslan (Lv30~50)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 24 Asmodians Faction Rift Points Distribution:

Rift Entrance - Morheim (Lv20~40)

Rift Exit - Eltnen (Lv20~40)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 12
Rift Exit - Interdiktah (Lv30~50)

Point Number Limit Level Limit Time Limit
A 24 here.

G4TV Exclusive Aion Intro Cinematic

Summary: Ncsoft cracks the planet of Atreia in half in this exclusive and beautiful Aion cinematic intro to the winged MMORPG, Aion. Check out the video below to explore the mysterious storyline hide in AION.

KeyWord: G4TV, aion, intro, cinematic, crack, planet, Atreia

Ncsoft cracks the planet of Atreia in half in this exclusive and beautiful aion cinematic intro to the winged MMORPG, Aion. Check out the video below to explore the mysterious storyline hide in AION.
Click here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Aion Patch 1.5 Trailer Released (New Armor!) has posted a recent Aion Trailer for the official aion patch 1.5 - which is what Aion will release with in September! The video highlights instances including Dark Poeta, Infiltrating the Dreadgion and the Shugo Flying Pirate Ship! The video also highlights some of the new Aion Gear and will give you an eyeful of what's in store when this game releases!

To discuss this video and other important topics regarding Aion head over to and prepare - Aion is coming!

Here's a look at the Aion 1.5 Patch Trailer here.

Also Check Some of Excellent Aion Fixes at below!

Aion Elyos and Asmodian origin videos

With the Aion sixth and final Closed Beta Test for NCsoft's newest title, Aion, beginning later today. Things are starting to get really interesting. YouTube is a haven for all things video, especially when it comes to gaming and a look at those which aren't yet out. Well, a Hungarian fansite has uncovered the Aion Elyos and Asmodians origin videos and posted them on their Youtube channel. Both videos are short but packed with lore and done in a similar style to the Aion origins video we told you about last month.

Told from the perspective of a member of each race, the two videos narrate the first meeting of the Aion Elyos and the Asmodians after years of separation. The Elyos blundered through a rift and a simple misunderstanding, perceived differently by each side, led to the start of a bitter feud. The Elyos believed the Asmodians were corruptions and that both them and their land must be destroyed, while the Aion Asmodians feel it is their right to conquer the Elyos and their lush land simply because they believe they – and their Shedim Lords – were the ones who saved Atreia from complete destruction during the Cataclysm.

Juicy stuff, eh? Well check out the videos in their complete Korean glory after the jump (click on cc to get the English subtitles). Check the Aion Videos here.

Aion Closed Beta 6 Test Weekend

After five successful aion closed beta events, Aion is announcing the sixth and final closed beta that will take place this weekend. The final beta will begin Friday, August 14th at noon PDT, and go through Monday August 17th.

The final closed beta test will conclude with several story driven in-game events which will also give players an insight into upcoming content changes when the game is released. The events will highlight the transition between the world of Atreia from patch 1.0 to 1.5. The level cap will remain at 30 to keep players within the same level range and playing together.

More details we be posted when Aion enters open beta, and will post the information as soon as it's available!

Here's the official announcement about the final Aion closed beta test dates:

Following five successful and productive beta events, we now have in front of us the pinnacle of closed beta mountain. We now cast our eyes toward the promising horizon, revealing the approaching open beta and the much-anticipated release of Aion.

This upcoming sixth and final closed beta event marks the end of an era. As such, we have decided to make the most out of it. We will not be raising the level limit from that of the previous event. The maximum level will be level 30 for Elyos and Asmodians alike, encouraging you to spend some time to catch up with your friends or explore the vast lands of Atreia.

We want to conclude closed beta testing on a high note, so we are arranging a series of story-driven in-game events, in part hinting at some of the much-anticipated content forthcoming in with our massive release day patch. Keep that F5 key handy, since more information on these live events is headed your way later this week!

Aion Closed beta 6 is primed to rocket onto the servers on Friday, August 14, 2009, noon PT (8 p.m. BST, 9 p.m. CEST). Our beta forums open their gates two hours earlier, and access to them will be ongoing throughout the weekend until Monday.

Keep in mind that you will need either an exclusive Aion closed beta 6 access key, a full-access key acquired through fansite program competitions, or have preordered the game in order to partake in the event. A limited number of closed beta 6 access keys will be given away by a few selected gaming web sites over the coming week, so keep those eagle eyes open if you are looking to grab one.

Look for more information on this upcoming sixth closed beta event shortly. Until then, fly safe!

The events in the game will showcase the transition the world of Atreia and the players will experience from 1.0 to 1.5. We are retaining the level cap for both Elyos and Asmodians at 30 in order to allow players to focus on getting to the same level so they can explore the lands of Atreia together.

Aion's Gamescom Booth

From Ayase's Realm. More on Aion Guides Blog.

There is much work involved in preparing for an event, especially for one of gamescom's impressive magnitude (August 19th-23rd). Our highly secured laboratory facilities, located in nuclear weapon proof bunkers deep under the snowy cascades of Antarctica, are running on full speed with theorization, experiments and live simulations in order to ensure a smooth ride at next week's premiere of gamescom in Cologne, Germany.

One of the stages in our long line of intricate procedures is a simulation given the alias 'gamescom Live Emulation' where 1:48 scale models are produced of each and every item expected to make a presence at the real exhibition show floor. While most parts for obvious reasons are confidential, we have been granted clearance to show you an early realistic miniature model of our Aion booth.

A few things are still to be added, including real PC hardware, keyboards and mice for the 32 Aion game stations where visitors will be able to try the game out. We also decided to have the paper monitors replaced by real monitors, after discovering that it's difficult to feed a video signal to cardboard. The seven slightly suspicious plastic humans will be substituted by real humans (by an impressive factor), amounting to incredible numbers that would bring great shame even to a shugo banking empire.

The stage, which constitutes our Aion booth's core, is sure to be a point of constant sizzling activity and swag giveaways. If you remember Games Convention in Leipzig 2008, you can probably imagine the dense crowds that form up. It's going to be loud, intense and incredibly cool. I will do my best to convey all this back to your monitors at home.

Going to gamescom are, among many others, Brian "Xaen" Knox (Producer), Lani "Liv" Blazier (Associate Producer), Martin "Amboss" Rabl (Community Manager) and I, Sebastian "Ayase" Streiffert (Community Manager). I am currently playing back German children's stories loudly from my cassette player during nighttime, to pick up the more sublime details of the language. I am also stocking up on succulent Currywurst during the days in order to adapt to the world renowned German cuisine.

We will remain vigilant and keep you posted on our progress with both the Aion booth and AION gamescom as we go, so stick around!

NCsoft: Aion Will be Second Only to WoW

NCsoft: Aion Will be Second Only to WoW

Every MMO-maker wishes their game could cast its net as wide as WoW, but these days, most are content to eek out a modest living in the shadow of Blizzard’s behemoth. Over at NCSoft Aion , though, things are… well, they’re just like that. But, if WoW’s coming in at the head of the pack, NCSoft’s hoping its upcoming fantasy MMO Aion can at least be the neck.

"I believe the performance of Aion in the US and European markets will be very successful. ... We are guessing that Aion will be -- could be -- the second [most] successful MMO in the US market next to World of Warcraft,” NCSoft CFO Jaeho Lee said during a recent conference call.

When Aion and the recently deceased Tabula Rasa were mentioned in the same sentence together, however, Lee wasn’t so kind.

"Ok, um, it's very unfortunate to hear the name of Tabula Rasa at this conference call," he said. "And we all want to forget and erase that memory from our performance. We did a very poor job with Tabula Rasa, and we disappointed our retailers in US markets and also European markets.”

So, for those who’ve tried Aion, do you think it has a shot at taking off on our side of the pond? Or do you think NCSoft should drop its expectations down a notch or two?

General Discussion: AION = Winner?

Aion Guides Blog Got this interesting threat today from mmorpg..
Jabas talks the General Discussion: AION = Winner! Just go on reading...

My little thoughts about it:

- AION is a fresh tittle and is #3 in here,, the #1 and #2 are a "holywood" titles and a very allready know mmo names. Ppl hype just because the names.

- U see a "war" between lovers and haters around foruns, thats a result of a great tittle.

- Its going to be lunch in NA/EU after 10 months realesed in Korea, 5 months after China, and still call a lot of interest.

- Will be a new experience of community, some from grinding type game and some from quest type game.

- Will have a lot of pvp gamers type.

- Will have a lot of pve gamers type (after 1.5, our realese)

. In the end, AION is a Hybrid... great for a lot of type of gamers, is allreay a winner :)

Just my opinion, ofc ^^

Join the discusstion here.