Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aion Bot v 0.2 EU

Cheers here you can downlaod my little Aion bot its nothing special but its enough to lvl ur char a bit…


-target mobs and kill them
-heal your char
-looking around for mobs


1.Get a GameGuard Killer that you can avoid GG

2.Change your desktop resolution to 1680 x 1050 and change Aion to windowed mode

3.Place “pick up item” at 9, and bandages at 0

4.Place ur skills on 1-8

5.Open the settings.txt and change the Mob which you want to search for and save changes(Codes are in the Monstercodes.txt [will be updated])

6.Start the Exe file and switch to Aion


-targetting updated

-heals your char when HP gets low and not after every mob

-Attacking until mob dies so the attack timer isnt needed anymore


-Buff system

- Anti stuck

-Autologin and Relog

-change to memory reading and add a waypoint system (in very very far future )


Category: Aion Hacks & Bots / Tag: aion, aion bot, aion hack, aion heal bot, aion loot bot, aion moblock, bot, loot

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