Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aion Open Beta Client Available for Download

The Aion Open Beta won't begin until September 6th, but that doesn't mean you cannot be prepared. As such, Ncsoft have made the aion open beta client download available in advance so you can be all ready to go once the big day comes!

Following our recent announcement regarding the commencement of Aion's open beta, we have taken steps to ensure a smooth setup and preparation process for all participants. While our Launcher will incrementally update your client, the new and patched Aion open beta client has been distributed to a select few partners around the web to prepare for our open beta test. To get your hands on it, you may visit FilePlanet or download it from GamersHell (available later this week).

We have also added a new option that the Aion community has long anticipated: downloading the full aion open beta client via our BitTorrent tracker (md5 checksum). We have even arranged for a torrent patch for those of you who already have the closed beta client installed but want to get prepared for open beta!

As added extra spice, FilePlanet will--in addition to distributing the client--be giving away a load of open beta keys starting on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Get on the starting line if you do not have an eligible Aion account already! Eligible accounts include any previous closed beta participants and those who have preordered or prepurchased Aion.

Remember to update your Aion game password if your Aion account was created prior to July 29, 2009.

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